Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)

Growing up, every time i heard the word Espionage or Spy Films, my mind automatically went to James Bond or even Mission Impossible franchise. Translation: gadgets, babes, actions. The characters and franchise such as Bourne, Bond, Hunt have become household names that brought in millions from the box office. In the last few years, my definition has significantly altered, James Bond remains as an example under the subcategory of hollywood blockbuster amongst the title in the espionage sub genre. One of the most significant example of a realistic, spy films are adapted from John Le Carré novels, a famed author of the espionage genre and former spy himself. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is one of its golden example, based on Le Carré 1974 novel of the same name, the first book of Karla Trilogy.

(Another excellent one is The Constant Gardener, reviewed by N for the second film of this month MovieCube) Continue reading