The Conjuring (2013)

Horror is the one genre I usually do not watched in any form of subgenre. Ghost, slasher, creature feature, etc, I usually avoid it at all costs. I think watching all Susana films in my childhood probably scarred (and scared) me for life already. I usually did not get scared easy, but the horror kinda invested in my brain and it will culminate much later. So yeah, the after effect of horror films is what I’m avoiding.
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White House Down (2013)

Okay, White House Down (WHD) was not a priority in my to-watch list., inspite of the fact that it was released right in the middle of Korean Film Festival 2013. Which means all my free time i usually allotted for a visit to the movie theatre actually contributed to watch the films from the fest instead. But then this morning i read a bunch of tweets and RTs about the film and people responses, I know this is an Emmerich film which means, in my country, it guarantee quite a hype (like what happened with 2012). Mmm, color me tempted, mon frère

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The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

8 years after the death of Harvey Dent, Gotham City is clean from organized crime by the force of Dent’s Act that was established by a lie and conspiracy of commissioner Gordon. The Batman is gone and Bruce Wayne isolate himself away from the community, until one days when a female thief Selina Kyle a.k.a the Cat Burglar stole his fingerprints; a young, idealistic police officer John Blake, discover his secrets; a masked mercenary called Bane break The Batman (quite literally) and held the entire city of Gotham hostage. Between a haunting past, a bleak present, and what seems like no future, The Dark Knight must Rise…

Warning: The section below is image heavy and may contain spoilers!!

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